Saturday, May 19, 2007

Kids Movie Night!!

Friday night I had a kids movie night where we watched Everyone's Hero. It was pretty fun especially since it was Nancy's birthday. I had plenty of snacks for the kids, we had fruit snacks, popcorn, carrot sticks, mints, and strawberry cupcakes. We had everyone decorate their own cupcakes which of course got the floor really dirty. I have no idea how sprinkles got all the way over on the other side of the room. I brought a ton of pillows so everyone could have something to cuddle with. We played four corners afterwards followed by a couple games of hangman. The kids seemed to have fun. After cleaning up I drove home to discover that Alison was already home!! She had surprised my family by coming home Thursday night. So I finally have my little sister home! Yeah!!! We are finally all back together again!

Oh and here is a group photo of our last day of spirit week: Dress Like Your Grandparents Day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i totally wish i could have been there! my friend had a poster making party and i had to be there. she is running for treasurer of my school. so im really sorry. well i will talk to ya when you get back from Jamaica! loves,