Monday, August 27, 2007 A SEAHAWKS GAME!!! WAHOOO!!!!

Saturday night, I was at my very first seahawks game! And it pretty much changed my life. My sister Alison got tickets from her boss who happens to be a season ticket holder. I made it my goal this year to go to a seahawks game and now I am hooked. We sat in section 333 in row Y, I thought they were really good seats. We accidentally sat in the wrong section though at first, some poor guys were having trouble figuring out their seats until they discovered we were in the wrong section. Slightly embarrassing, but we got over it. It was a great game, Vikings lost 13-30. Unfortunately we left in the last three minuets so we missed the most exciting part of the game when one of the Viking players got injured in the last two minuets. Lame. But we still enjoyed it. The only thing we did not enjoy was the walk back to our car. I would not recommend going to a Seahawks game with out a guy with you. There were some nasty guys that followed us for a short while. Me and Alison are hoping to go the game against the Bears in November, we're really hoping her boss will give us the tickets though! And next time we are going to make sure we get dressed up. We felt a little out of place with out a jersey on!
Grade: A++

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm really glad you finished a goal, how many is that now? Miss you tons