Thursday, January 24, 2008

... to a Happy New Year!

For New Years I went down to Centralia, to the Bates annual New Year's Eve Shindig. We had a blast.
The evening started out with Disney DVD Pictionary. My team almost won, but we don't need to talk about that. We also played Catch Phrase and that game was definately rigged! Kim Bowen... grrr...
It was just nice to catch up with everyone. See everyone, goof around with people...
It was also Shawn's last night in C-town. Bye Shawn! Sniff sniff, hope you enjoyed that hug!

We of course broke out the sparkling cider and party favors. To end the night everyone gathered in the kitchen to sing Auld Lang Syne, all six or so verses! Whew, it was a fun night full of way too much apple cider and laughter!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just wondering...are you trying to imply that I rigged the game?! Because I would never! You should know me better than that