Saturday, March 8, 2008

... up the professional ladder.

Yep, I'm moving up the ladder at LMI. I finally got my stamp at work. Now I can buy off my work without having it double-checked by someone else. I usually have someone check anyways, but still... Linda also gave me my own caliber. Ooooo. Pretty nifty looking huh? I can measure to the thousandth of an inch! Pretty exact. Just thought I would show off some tools of the trade.


no said...

Hey meg! Just wanted to say congrats for makin it up on the professional ladder! =) WIsh I could be there to celebrate I would make you a giant brownie! Love you!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Megan. You really need to tell the story of the hard negotiations that led up to the offer from your work to stay with them!! I think it is worth a blog or two!
Do you think I could use your tools sometime as I repair your car?

Love, dad