Wednesday, April 9, 2008

... to devastation and ruin.

Don't let the title scare you. Devastation and ruin is just the name of the game. This is a childhood memory game that my sisters and I played all the time with our dad and he used to play it when he was a young tike. Since I was babysitting four kids this weekend we thought it would be a good time to take a stroll down memory lane and bust out devastation and ruin. That is the name the kids gave the game, we just called it dominoes and marbles before. I like devastation and ruin better though.
This is how it goes. First build your helpless little village out of dominoes. The battlefield is the wood floor in the kitchen.
Second gather your marbles, take position, aim, and fire. The weapon of choice is a vacuum attachment.
Watch the sleeping village fall prey to annihilation and destruction.
It is a blast (no pun intended) to play with kids. They thoroughly enjoyed causing devastation and ruin.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice shot of my bald head, Megan!! I remember very well playing that game when I was their age. We still have the marbles and blocks that we used to build the village. And to think it was sooooooooooo cheap conpared to now-a-days toys.
