Tuesday, May 20, 2008

China Earthquake

I have a very dear friend who lives in China near where the earthquake hit hardest. He is fine and has been able to assist in the rescue work, but there is an overwhelming amount of destruction. Here is a video from the first few minuets of the quake. It breaks my heart. I wish I could be there to help. For now though, prayers will have to do.
There is one more video where you might see someone you know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi ho from you know who waaaay out in Israel! I was trying to blog stalk you but it didn't really work because you haven't posted in so so long! I miss you heaps and if anyone can find me a ticket out of this country I will be home around the 19th of July, so hopefully you will be to! ps I lost your email address, so if you would email me, I will send you personal updates, not on your blog page. sorry about that...