Monday, November 24, 2008

... to Happy Birthday Momie!!!!

So my mom's birthday was the 24th, and as you know my sister is in Iraq and unable to give her mom a birthday hug. So we planned a little somethin for my mom. I have a mac, my sister has a mac, we have ichat, my mom doesn't know what that is, it's perfect. I told my mom we had a cool video for her to watch on my laptop. So we all sat down on the couch ready to watch a "video." This whole time I had the screen open with Alison waiting to say "Happy birthday!" When we had all settled in, I opened my laptop with alison there. Alison very sweetly says "Happy birthday mommy!" And instantly my mom started started crying. She looked at me and said "we can't say anything to her can we?" (very pitifully I might add) Alison pipes in with "yes you can mom!" We were all a little weepy at first, but we got to chat for an hour before we let Alison go to bed since it was after midnight there. It was wonderful to be able to chat with her, Momie loved it too.
So happy birthday Momie! I love you so much and you do so much for our family. Thank you for all your prayers and bits of wisdom! Muah!

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