Saturday, February 23, 2008

... to celebrating my birthday!

Yep that's right. It was my 24th birthday yesterday. I am so old I know. Well I did not really do anything exciting for my birthday. I went to work where they had a cake for me and the two other people that had February birthdays. (Thanks guys!) I met my family later and went out to dinner. At home I opened some presents and then had dessert. Which happened to be one of my favorites... banana cream pie!!! Wahoo!! The best thing about the whole night was the bag that one of my gifts came in. Yeah. I couldn't tell if what was in the bag was really better than sex but I liked the gift. My sister got this bag from her host family in Costa Rica. We decided that they couldn't read English. Sure is funny!

P.S. Want to see what I look like on Sunday mornings? Find out here!
P.S.S. Thanks for the sweet note MaryBeth!


Anonymous said...

What do you mean : you "couldn't tell if what was in the bag was better than sex"? Could you explain that, Megan? I want to know.


Anonymous said...

Happy 24th birthday to you!!! And I just realized...I was 25 when I moved to Alaska. So that means that next year, you can too, right??
And I also agree with your dad's comment. I think you have some explaining to do.

Megan Murray said...

Wouldn't you like to know...? :) I think you both know exactly what I meant! Trouble makers!