I have always wanted to be in a parade. To wave at all the dear little children, have people screaming at you, wishing they were in your place. Ah, the dream. It finally came true for me. I was in a parade. I got to be in the Enumclaw Christmas Parade, which is actually quite big. I think there were 80 floats, or something around there. My uncle owns his own excavation business, so he has a dump truck he drives in the parade. He has my other uncle's band playing on the back. I got to be his passenger. I felt like a celebrity through the whole night. All these little kids wishing you a merry Christmas. I waved the best princess wave I could muster. It was an extra magical night because it was snowing too.
Despite the snow there was quite the turn out. Everyone should be in a parade someday.
P.S. Tomorrow is Day of the Ninja so be careful going around corners and walking in dark alleys.
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